Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


No Chance

You have a choice to make. You can either have your questions answered or you can practice meditation. One or the other. If you choose to practice meditation, then you shall have to dump all of these questions into the trashcan: watch them come and watch them go – boom.

Secondly, if you try to have your questions answered you will be throwing away one of the greatest opportunities you can have: to learn about the truth with a fresh, unprogrammed mind. You would be giving up the chance to see the Truth as it presents itself, just as it is, learning about it, discovering it like another “world” just found. And this is the best way of seeing it – in fact, really the only way of knowing it.

No one can describe this to you because they would only be telling you their version of what they experienced, in words far removed from the actual experience itself.

And then, should you find what they told you, you would not be realizing the truth, you would be seeing just what someone told you was the truth. How could you know it was really the actual Truth or just the tale you had been told?

Knowing the highest truth is not like being a tourist with a travel brochure – be sure to catch the aurora borealis as you enter the infinite. It is a path of discovering yourself, your true self, and no one can tell you what that is like. That is something you will just have to find out.

Have patients and compassion for your self in your practice. It’s worth it.


Anonymous said...

Thankyou very much, Bodhimind. _/\_

The Doyen said...

You are very welcome.

- The Doyen