Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Family Matters

Early in the 70’s, after I had had some profound experiences while practicing Zen, I sought out compatriots with whom I might take up residence – to find a mutually supportive group to practice with.

While I learned of, and visited several Zen Centers, they were all founded upon the protocol of the residents being under the dominion of the teacher. But, upon interview with said teacher, frankly there were several gaps in their understanding that even I could see (I’m trying to put this politely). Thus, I found no refuge in these sanghas.

Finally, Suziki-Roshi’s collected lectures were published. And, after reading them I felt that this would be someone in whose Center I might find refuge. Eagerly, I turned to the back of the book to see where he was located, only to learn that he had died a couple of years earlier. Although, I have dropped into the SFZC from time to time, I have somehow never had that same feeling about the place. I do have a lot of respect, though, for the place and what they are trying to do.

I’ve learned a lot from my successes. But, I’ve learned just as much, if not more, from my numerous failures.

The dharma reveals itself just as much on the path of the common man as it does the saint. Your only job is to witness its unfoldment while you traverse that path. Loving kindness, compassion, these must include your own self.

The Buddha Way is not something that we attach ourselves to, like it was a rock. It’s really more like a way to remind ourselves of our true nature. And it’s in the truth of the self that Way is lived.


Anonymous said...


The Doyen said...

You are very welcome.