Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Ground to Ground

To answer a question on behalf of those who really might have such in mind.

I didn’t say that whatever you could possible imagine would happen.

What I tried to say is that you receive information about this world that we are participating in, and you take this information and “project” it for you to experience.

We are not trying to invent new rules that are not part of the underlying set of items that we have agreed to operate our world by.

The participants of this world are sharing information that states: “Bodies consisting of human-matter shall not defy gravity by flapping their arms; lighter than air, a craft must be employed”.

If you would like to fly by flapping your arms (seems to me your arms would get tired real fast, but anyway), there would have to be the physics laws that world account for such a phenomena, and that is not a physics law that we are sharing in this world that you have agreed to participate in.

By joining this world, we are agreeing to operate by the set of guidelines that govern it, including the laws of physics. Within this set of guidelines we are able to have much flexibility, but as participants here we will only manifest those conditions that fit in with all of the underlying information that fits in with the basic rules, such as laws of physics.

Of course, children do not always follow these rules as strictly as adults. That, by in large, is what the growing up process is about: learning to follow all the “rules” so well that you don’t do anything different; just like one of the adults.

Now perhaps if you were 3 years old, you might just have a chance. But then, I have heard of some Indian elders who can fly, change into animals, etc. But, of course if you don’t accept this, then you will never see it in your world – you would refuse to believe it.

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