Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


One Transformation

This whole subject is one of the more interesting ones for me. Not only because I have several memories from other incarnations of mine, but also because, through meditation, I have studied the underlying processes involved.

The mechanics are not too difficult to explain in brief, but to do an exhaustive description would be a meaty subject. Therefore, I will try to be general, but informative. And the first thing that I would like to say is that you will have a very difficult time understanding these concepts if you cling to the typical philosophical viewpoint that there is an actual solidly physical world upon which these bags of flesh dwell.

Instead you must understand that the situation is completely different. The world that you experience is created by you, on the fly, in “real-time.” (And when I say “you” here, I am not referring to the physical body that you call you, but to that non-physical personality that exists outside of time and space) You do this by projecting out, with your imagination, the elements that will make up your so-called physical world. Creating (what is in reality) an imaginary world for your self to dwell in. Then, you perceive these outward imaginings with the physical senses (part of the physical body, another object that you are projecting with your imagination), believing that these elements are physically real. And your body/brain processes these sensations, so they take on even more seeming validity (as it reacts to the sensations it perceives). Presto a world is born.

Each person that is participating in our particular world, does this for themselves; creating their own version of our world, which only they themselves truly perceive. Each person, in effect, creates their own “mini” world/universe in which they experience their life. There is no real physical planet existing in some vacuum somewhere, upon which we come to dwell.
The elements that we are projecting with our imaginations (to make our world) are very specific ones. They are taken from a vast group of “ideas” about the particular world that we are choosing to participate in. I describe them as ideas, but you could also think of these as bits of information. Information about every aspect of the world that we share. Just as an example: This group of “ideas” includes information about every rock and all its characteristics, including every spot on each rock and the shape and color of each of those spots, and the location of each rock in relation to everything else on this planet. These are “ideas” that are, in effect, about every element of our world, the world that we are all sharing now.

All of this information is constantly available to us, but we only use from it those “ideas” that are relevant to our immediate situation. And obviously this information is extremely detailed and dense. I would almost describe it as a field of ideas. And it is attracted to us because it is connected to the life that we are involved in. This is also quite an active field as well, because it is constantly bringing forth more relevant data, giving vitality to the world that we imagine. And this field not only includes information about the more static types of objects, such as rocks, but it also includes information about objects that seem to be in motion, as well. Everything from speeding jets to human voices.

This field of ideas, as I like to call it, is obviously far below the level of the human senses, because it is what they are based upon. It is also beneath the level of conscious thought, though I suspect that this might not be so strictly true for a gifted psychic. I would venture to speculate that it is even below the level of what is called the subconscious; I suppose it depends upon where one chooses to draw the lines of the psyche. It is with this field of ideas that we receive constant communication about every detail of the world that we are experiencing, both in our immediate environment, as well as the world at large. The communication is instantaneous and direct. It is only the physical senses that must wait for the phone to ring.

In effect, during every moment, we are creating a whole new world for ourselves to realize, as the underlying information continually updates to include different circumstances. It is through this constant interaction and exchange of information that our world is made to work. It is truly a collaborative effort. It is through agreeing amongst ourselves about how all of its different parts shall operate, how they shall appear, sound, etc that it all works and comes out as seeming to be one whole world.

The material that I have written above is what I have learned from my own direct experience (through meditation) of the processes that I have outlined. These findings have led me to surmise the following ideas as being the most likely understanding of how we enter into this collaborative illusion.

It is through the pregnancy period that the, as yet nonhuman, personality begins to familiarize itself with the “stream” of information that it will have to be oriented in (to be a part of the particular world that it has chosen to enter). The mother supports a fetus in her own version of the world, giving the newly incarnating personality a version of a fetus for it refer to. Therefore, it does not have to struggle to maintain all of the new and possibly overwhelming information by itself.

The newly incarnating personality then has the opportunity to acquaint itself to the new sensations that it will begin to deal with, when it begins to continuously create its own “imaginary” version of the world for itself. It works with the information bit by bit, while the mother continues to maintain an overall structure of the fetus, that the new personality can then learn about.

The continued process of birth and growing up, is really more of a process of the underlying personality learning to identify which bits of the (underlying) information belongs to our world, so that it is materializing the correct data that is appropriate for the world that it has chosen to participate in. While the fetus is maintained for it, for example, it can slowly identify the group of ideas that is the underlying information about the fetus, and learn to “imagine” these ideas as its own body.

As the personality pays more and more attention to the imaginings that it is projecting, it must turn its attention away from the nonphysical realm enraptured, as it were, by the seemingly physical processes that are taking place before it. This might be considered to be the establishment of the “ego self.” The side of the self that is present in our world.

It is important to understand that in the underlying reality, all of the information of all the worlds exists simultaneously. All of the worlds past, present, and future; all of the worlds parallel, probably, and possible. All of this information co-exists simultaneously together. There is no space or time “there”; those are locally produced phenomena, relevant only to physical life. It is through the process of pregnancy, birth, and growth that the personality learns to orient itself to the appropriate field of ideas that belong to the current world that it is participating in.

Therefore, when a personality incarnates into what seems to be successively different times or lands, it does not go to some place, or to some different time zone. Instead, it tunes into another of the streams of information that are the basis of another world, another seeming time and place. This is not done lightly, or willy-nilly, because it involves so much work to go through the birth/life process.

To understand the personality that is at the source of all these processes is, unfortunately, an even bigger topic to cover. But briefly, it has been my experience that at the center of this great activity is a personality that cannot define itself in terms of what is or what is not, because it can see that all is connected.

Endlessly, each idea leads to another, without a beginning to be found. Because there is no demarcation, it is unstoppable. Because there is no idea that can be pointed to as separate, there is never a starting point. To fathom the depths of this incredibly “being” is what it means to awaken to the true self. Not a being, it is the realization of the transcendently aware, self-realizing identity, found among the recognitions that know themselves in the all Truth revelation of endless knowledge, wisdom, presence, and light.

When a personality sees all of these endless connections, it might think of Karma: That one act leads to another (because all is connected in every which way). So, it seems that a good act leads to another good act, and a bad act, likewise, leads to more unfortunate occurrences. It seems as though the personality is only living through these endless connections that it must follow out. But, this erroneous conclusion does not take into account the overwhelming vast number of other connections, to which the personality is also within the midst of, as it were.

Therefore, it is not dependent upon one line of processes, but it is able to shift its focus to other, more beneficial lines, at any time. This is why the weavings of Karma are so unfathomable, and why a personality always has choice. And why, with its own self revelation, the personality is freed from Karma. Because in that revelation, it comes to the awareness that it is not bound to the various lines of development, but that it may proceed upon any path, or no paths. Because these paths are not the personality, merely, they are the way upon which it treads in its development.

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