Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment



Sweetheart, let me try to put it to you this way:

See Dick run.
See Dick run through time and space.
Time and space exist because Dick runs.

Jane sees Dick.
Run Jane run.
Jane is tired.
Jane closes her eyes.
Where did Dick go?

Oh no!
No Dick.
No time and space.
Where did time and space go?

Jane dreams of Dick.
Is Dick a dream?
Is Dick in Heaven?
We cannot say.
Time and space are gone.

Dick likes to run.
Where can Dick run?
He needs time and space to run.

Dick imagines he is running.
Running through time.
Running through space.
Run Dick run.

This is so much fun.
Dick wants to run with his friends.

Dick sees Jane.
“Hello Jane.”
Jane opens her eyes.
“Hello Dick.”

(Your daddy might have an easier time explaining the previous post to you if he’ll read you some of those nifty bedtime stories from quantum physics.)

P.S. Coming soon: The Shadow Puppet version of what preceded the big bang. Stay tuned!

Here is some material from Nexus Magazine.

“Yet Newtonian science was first knocked off its perch 70 years ago. With the birth of quantum mechanics, the view that our physical world is solid, fixed and independent of mind was shown to be untenable. … Here are some quotes from three eminent physicists:
“ The fundamental process of nature lies outside space-time but generates events that can be located in space-time (Stapp, 1977:202)
{Stapp, H.P., “Are supraluminal connections necessary?”, Nuovo Cimento, 1977, 40B;1:191-204}
“ Ultimately, the entire universe (with all its particles, including those constituting human beings, their laboratories, observing instruments, etc.) has to be understood as a single undivided whole, in which analysis into separately and independently existent parts has no fundamental status (Bohm, 1983:174)
{Bohm, D., Wholeness and Implicate Order, Routledge, London, 1980, Ark Paperbacks, 1983}
“ The universe exists as formless potentia in myriad possible branches in the transcendent domain and becomes manifest only when observed by conscious beings (Goswami, 1993:141)
{Goswami, A., The Self-Aware Universe, Putnam, Hew York, 1993}
“The quantum realm and the physical universe, which arises out of it, is all one undivided, unitary whole. More extraordinary still, it would seem to be our conscious participation that brings the physical world into being.
“When consciousness collapses the wave function into three-dimensional space-time {here Powell refers to the well-known wave function behavior of an electron which collapses into particle-like behavior when a conscious observer makes an experiment}, mind and matter arise simultaneously, like two sides of one coin. The result is what we call reality, in both the personal and collective sense. Each one of us is self-aware, since we are connected with the total field of consciousness, and from this individual vantage point we bring about repeated further collapse of the wave function. … In this way, we are continually generating what we take to be reality, which we experience both as an internal mental space and all around us in the form of the external, phenomenal world.
“The external world is remarkably stable, which gives the impression that it exists quite independently of us.”
{Powell, Andrew, “Quantum Psychiatry—Where Science Meets Spirit”, Nexus New Times magazine, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp 49-50, NEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, Australia, May-June 2002}

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