Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


For Cauac

This a rather interesting subject and one that I have had a passing interest in. Here, in a nutshell, is how it works.

Not concerning ourselves with the Ultimate Ground of Being, for the moment, there is a vast range of existence outside of the physical continuum that we are currently involved in. Each of the participants in our physical reality continuum has our basic existence there. (I am using the conventions of location, although there really isn’t a “there” either). Every single one of the elements (not the periodic table) that makes up our world has its reality in this “higher” realm. Every person and animal, every speck of dust and molecule are really in this transcendent realm.

The Ultimate Reality underlying all of this includes all of these elements “connected” in an incredible, complex, interactive “web”. There is instantaneous and continuous “communication” between each of these elements, although this is rarely done through anything as crude as verbiage. (I have written elsewhere about how you join the time-space stream that you are currently experiencing, through the medium of baby-hood.) Once you have joined the continuum of events in your particular stream, the process of producing your particular world is really sort of mechanistic.

Basically you are in communication with every molecule and person and object in your world so that you are aware of their existence and participation in what will appear to be within your physical stream. All of the elements that will be in your immediate presence and within the range of your senses are of the most concern to you.

They are going to participate most directly with you in each of your co-creation’s of the so-called physical reality. (Again this is still happening on the transcendent physical realm.) Aware of the knowledge about these other participants, that will be perceived in your immediately perceivable present reality, you form for yourself a sort of field of ideas made up of the knowledge communicated to you from the other participants that will be in your physical reality.

This field of ideas will include the communication to you about their characteristics that will be physically perceivable and their interactions with the rest of the elements that will be participating in the physical stream (as well as their non-physically relevant data). This communication will be from every object in your sphere of reality, every scent, sound, and bit of light, even from the elements of what will make up your physical body. (When you enter into a physical stream, as a baby, you practice at recognizing which of the communications are from the elements that will make up your physical world until you train yourself to be aware of them without even trying.)

All of this information, this data, becomes like a field for your still not yet physical personality. You might call this an initial physical reality because all of the elements of your immediate physical reality are there as “ideas”, just not really physical. And it is upon this field of ideas that you build your perceptions of reality upon.

You project into this field your imagination of what your immediate physical reality is like. You project the sights, sounds, spaces, smells, etc., that are going to be a part of your physical experience. This is the same kind of imagination that people use inside their head/mind, but it is used in this instance in an outward mode.

On the whole, this projection is a rather generalized rendering; splotches of color here and here, shapes there and there, something else over there, etc. And then, where you focus your attention, usually right in front of you, is where you bring it all together in the highest degree of detail.

In this area you project more and more details with your imagination. Then you focus on these “outside” details with your body’s senses; it too is playing the game of perceiving a physical reality, but in its own fashion. The more you concentrate on something “physical”, the more ideas you bring to the fore, the more information you have that is made visible (or whichever sense is involved) for you to perceive with the body’s senses. And everything is right here with you. Remember, even far off distant galaxies, you are not being seen in the distance; rather, you are seeing the light from these events that has traveled to you.

What adds to the sense of realness of the whole system is the fact that everything is working together. The knife really will cut the tomato. But, if you were to look at it in another way, the molecules of the steel in the knife are communicating what their physical properties are like to the molecules of the tomato (crudely put). And the cells of the tomato behave the way they do (in being torn by the harder metal substance) because they are participating in the physical stream where this is one of the basically agreed upon ideas.

In other words, the perceptions work down to the cellular level and beyond. The cells of the skin feel the touch of the feather (in the “background”, for instance, one communicating that it is physically fuzzy, while the other is communicating that it is pliable and smooth).

And, just as the cells in your eyes are made to react to light, so too are the cells in your skin going to react to the feather: Being tickled by it. Again, this “field of ideas” is not simply about the visual perceptions, but an incredibly multilayered, complex of ideas that you are a part of, wherein everything is occurring instantaneously. Things only seem to slow down when they hit this stream of physical events.

I have tried to make this explanation reasonable without going into too much detail. And, perhaps this might seem as pure lunacy if this is the first time that one has become acquainted with these ideas. However, it is thought that there are those who might be able to appreciate this.

It is when one calms the mind enough that one is able to perceive the imagination projecting out onto the “world”, painting it in a sense. And, then one is able to see the highly focused zone of details before you, wherein most of the concentration lies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kinda have been expecting this in a way...
But I reali dun think da world is going to end...start a new era maybe but the world is not ending.
That's not gonna happen till a thousand years later! Ok, I'm not sure bout that either but that's not the point! The world's not gonna end! Full stop!
]2012 end of the world
[/url] - some truth about 2012