Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Six Mix

What gives?

Ever since I got ona dis I hrd you been goin on bout how you be da wronged woman. Bout how you give dis Tibetan the best years o you life. And bout how he took you money and took you time, an you spent it on some lama tat left you wit notin. An now you want a let the whole world know bout how you been da wronged woman. An how for 27 years dis Tibetan lied to you, an beat you down, an hurt you, an how dis Tibetan promised to show you da Big Time, an all you got was notin.

Well girlfriend, where was you 26.5 years ago? I mean, it don’t take no 27 years to see what way things be going, you coulda figured that out in 6 months. No, I think you was gettin sumpin out a dis all along. You be rubbin elbows wit dem High Lamas. Shoot, you probable want to be one a dem High Lamas, an who knows what all else.

Well, I tell you sumpin Girl. Dem Tibetans don’t owe you notin, cas dey ant gonna give you anything you ant already got.

I tell you wat you problem is: You can’t let go. Fo 27 years you been holdin on, you an’t been letting go, an you still ain’t letting go. You even found notin, an you con’t let go a that neither. Din’t dem Tibetans ever teach you how to let go.

I can tell you dis girl: You ain’t goin no where, les you learn to let go; You ain’t goin get no lightenment, les you learn to let go. You aint goin get no clarity, luminous or oterwise, you don’t learn to let go.

Jes let go girl! You can do it. You aint gonna betray nobody. You aint goin run outa you family. You let go, no one gonna crown you queen, an if dey try, boy you better be lettin go a dat real fast. Real fast, mind you.

Girlfriend, you gotta stop holdin ona stuff; dis aint da Buddha way. You shouda knowd dat from da beginin youself. I’ll tell you dis, you done al ready spent 27 years o you life holdin ona stuff,, dis bout time you learn a jez let go.

I hope soma dis be gettin inta yo pretty little head.

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