Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Postcard from Home

From my own experiences I would say that the truth is that the vision that one has of one’s surroundings, at any one given moment, is made up of information (light, if you prefer to call it that) that is scattered and discontinuous, much more than we seem to notice. It is more like we are seeing a loosely structured framework that has the incipient information to be organized into a whole that we then can believe is the world of reality that we so think we are ensconced within.

Then, upon this loosely organized “framework” we use our imagination to fill in the details, completing the picture to give it that sense of reality. I have seen that this is done in a more concentrated area in the center of the field of vision, and then progressively further away from this concentration the details are filled in less and less.

I have observed, in fact, that there is a point in front of the eyes, a couple of feet away from the head where this concentration of focus seems to be most clearly sharp, where the imagination is providing the most concentration of detail. As one shifts ones head or gaze, this “point” then shifts to wherever one is looking, so that there is always that center of focus around which we fill in our view of the world that we see.

Because we are so spellbound by our concentration upon our world, we don’t really notice, or take the time to notice, how disparate our vision is at its fringes.

What you might be seeing in Meditation., I would not venture to guess. It could be visual anomalies, energies, or who knows. But, I would suggest than instead of labeling them as chi or life energy, etc, you might let these effects reveal themselves for what they are in their own good time, if they should do so. It might be much more rewarding for you in the long run to let the understanding of these phenomena develop on their own, through your personal experience. This will give you a far more insightful view of them than if you just try to conveniently explain them away. After all, what is life energy? Only your personal experience will be able to tell you that.

Nevertheless, don’t try to concentrate on these effects any more than what you are normally aware of. Things reveal themselves of their own accord, I have found.

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