Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


The Evolving Truth

In my “deepest” meditation, what I have experienced of the truth, has led me to conclude that It is supportive – nurturing, accepting, joyous - supporting It’s own brilliance of which we find form and transcendence.

It’s grace, beauty and wisdom are so profound that they are far beyond our comprehension. And yet they are evident, manifest in the depth of infinite harmonies with which we share the impressions of our own ceaseless truth that shines through each one of us.

It is with the anthropocentric conceit of “time” that we theorize that we are evolving It, rather than that It is evolving us. For in It’s grace of revelation, it is we who find ourselves, not lost but revealed with the boundless eminence of It’s joyous and aware fruition of potential thusness. And it is in our revealed evolution that It’s wisdom and clarity is manifest.

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