Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Now What?

There are times when I have had very deep experiences of what seems to be the most ultimate truth.

Several years ago when a series of these very deep experiences began, right after one of these “direct encounters”, a question came into my mind that didn’t quite seem to come from myself. It asked: “Now that you know This, what do you want to do?”

My reply was that I wanted to enhance it. And, I had to explain to the questioner (a guardian perhaps?) that It was so beautiful, so exquisite, that I felt the only worthwhile thing to do was to add to its beauty, to its wonder. That is, by my activities, bring that to It which is going to make it more glorious and wonderful.

I am a painter, not a word-smith. So my deepest utterances are “spoken” in terms of color and brush stroke. Others, however, are blessed with the facility of communication with the written word. And for them, revelation is communicated through language. I don’t dismiss their glorification of Truth any more eagerly than my own meager attempts, just because they use words instead of paint.

Do you really want a Truth that does not have words, that does not have paintings, that does not have communication?

Or, would only some words, some paintings, some communication be acceptable?

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