Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Can Do

I would just like to say that as we grow up we find that there are some things we can do and that there are some things that we are just not cut out to do.

Sometimes we are not cut out to do exceptional things like being a pro athlete, and while we might harbor a lingering dream throughout life about how great it would have been to be/do such and such, quietly within ourselves we know that it just wasn’t going to be and we learn to be ok with that, we’ve learned to accept ourselves as we are.

But, sometimes the thing that we are not cut out to do is something that almost everyone else does, something so commonplace that most people take it for granted as being a normal part of life. And yet, for whatever reason it’s something that we cannot do. And the sooner we face the reality of our situation, the better off we will be, because then we can get on to dealing with the parts of life that we are able to work with.

Happily for most people, they can have a few drinks and then say that’s enough. A few might frequently get shit faced, perhaps out of boredom or because they are disgusted with life or themselves. Let’s face it, facing the challenges and disappointments of life is not easy.

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