Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Not Alone

Thank you for your many kind words.

I guess I am presuming a bit here, but I take it your interest in Buddhism is not for a mere scholarly purpose. Although you can gain some glimmer of its inner meaning through a systematic study of the voluminous literature. That attempt will not give you the overall and conclusive evidence that only a deep and penetrating direct experience of the Highest Truth will give you. My best advice would be to instead start to practice. Whichever methodology appeals to you is fine. You don’t need to be too picky at this point. And, just start to practice.

If you are able to accept all that the world has to offer without piety and without denouncing that which you do not agree with, then you will find in your own life a more rich and higher appreciation of life. I am not saying that you should not condemn evil acts or intentions. But, behind the facade of demonic activity lies a human being who is trying to make their way through life as best they know how.

When we forgive others for their short-sightedness and foolishness, then we will find our own strength renewed within the greater framework of existence. In this manner do we replenish our spirit, and go on to a truth greater than our small philosophies about life can hold.

I would like to add, however, that the more I practice, the more I’ve come to realize that it is not making it to the ‘other shore” that is important, but the journey that you’re on. And while I know that sounds like a Hallmark greeting card, I know that it is you, realizing the full width and depth of the life that you are realizing right now, which will have the most worthwhile meaning in the Highest Truth that you shall ever realize.

The “other shore,” as you call it, is just another Ferris wheel ride at the Carnival. And like all things in life, you get out of the experience what you bring to it. And so, if you would like to know its immeasurable depths, you must bring immeasurable openness. To know its immutable perfect wisdom, bring your courage to know. To know its Truth, you can only bring your true self.

Then, in the joy of realizing the Highest Truth, you realize that everything you thought you knew was a big laugh – and that there is so much, much more to All That Is.

There is no “other shore.” This life is but a dandelion fuzz, floating in the winds of time. We take it so realistically.

You’re almost “there.”

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