Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Six of Muluc

I know that I risk sounding stupid and overly romantic with what I have to say to you. But, I hope that you will take it in the spirit that it is one person’s opinion, and at least respect it to that degree.

I too, should mention at the outset that I have taken substances on more that one occasion, though not to the extent that some of my Buddhist brothers have. Mostly, these have included marijuana and LSD, with a bit of hashish and mescaline thrown in for good measure. And to be honest, I got tired of these types of things and stopped doing them quite some time ago.

I am not going to condemn their usage, or you, as some would. No, I am going to do something very sentimental and stupid sounding and tell you that these are, in fact, sacred implements. And I don’t mean just the few that I have named here, but most things of this ilk.

And no, they are certainly not going to bring you enlightenment. But they are of a nature that can shake up your ordinary everyday consciousness and show you, quite vividly, that there is more to life.

Your perceptions and awareness can increase and longstanding assumptions can be reevaluated in the light of a new perspective. In some cases, it can be like clearing your desktop and looking at things afresh, without the presumptions of the past.

Tools such as these need to be used under the guidance of an experienced teacher, and then you are most likely to gain the maximum benefit with the least amount of risk. However, their usefulness is quite limited, and once you have gotten the few benefits that they can offer, you will gain much more through other, perhaps more conventional, methods.

Of course, it is the prerogative of youth to be foolish. And a little experimentation is to be expected in life. However, there is a point where substances no longer help you reevaluate your life, they become your life. I certainly don’t mind when my non Buddhist friends light up (I don’t revile them with lectures about sin and redemption), but when the pipe comes around to me I just say, with complete conviction, “God, I am already so high from doing Zen”, and then pass it on. And they understand completely.

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