Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


A Veil Over the Deep

The difference that is contemplated amongst the different religions on the time/space dimension is without the pain that uniformity brings. Within these differences are honored not one truth but many. When they do not point to the same ending then there is truth. If they all say the same thing, then there is lost the abundance of the truth.

If all is the same, then where does truth lie?

There is no truth when all truths are the same.

There is that which reveals.

And, to be not as one,

There are those ways which bring open the beauty of nothing.

This is the path of many truths,

Not the path of one highest knowledge or experience.

Then, in those many differences, which are illuminating,

There is the known.

When all is asunder, all is then known unencumbered in this the spacious.

The differences in religions are fundamental and profound

And so there is emptiness.

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