Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


A Second Firmament

"I was wondering. When you sit to go meditate...do you meditate on the idea of "I am a Buddhist meditating"? Or do you go and meditate...experience some selfless freedom...then come out and pick up the idea, "I was just meditating as a Buddhist experiencing a selfless niceness.?"

The way of Buddhism is not about finding a refuge in selflessness. The path of the Buddha’s truth is not about knowing selflessness, or selfness for that matter. If you are enjoying a selfless freedom and are happy there, that is fine with me. I don’t have a problem with that.

However in my own experience of the Buddha way, the truth is that to look for this or that is merely another refuge to fall into, rather than realize the truth of reality that is behind such misconceptions.

"But one must integrate totally that which is beyond form with form and go beyond both form and formless...seeing them as non-dual. In Hinduism...or the path of the Siddha's, liberation is not a formless realization. It's free from both form and formlessness but end's just like it does with Buddha's. Having a perfected realm to hang out in."

In Zen, we have a saying: Not two, not one, not zero.

Nirvana is not a perfected realm to hang out in. It is not a realm at all.

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