Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Horn of Plenty

"Buddha mind is totally immersed in the state of all things being interbeing and empty of inherent existence in and of themselves so this transcends being the Self of the cosmos because this transcends cosmos and Selfhood. So one is seeing all particulars from the standpoint of essential nature as well as conventional nature at the same time."

Yes, this is the “fun” part, but I would say that it’s a little more “subtle” than that. When you flip-flop into that which you might call cosmos, that’s when you realize that the self is neither these awarenesses, that realize themselves in ever more awareness.

Nor the dimensionless that expresses itself as “cosmos,” all thus.

That’s when you realize the truth of self, that in knowing itself, realizing itself, it realizes that it transcends the configuring of awarenesses.

That’s when you realize the truth of self: as the identity, the recognition of itself through the endless “configurationing” of awareness awarenessing, that realizes itself continually.

When the self is realized thus, the whole of reality is not other. The expression of that which is seen as reality.

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