Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


The Third Oc

What is ultimately possible (that is, sustained insight) is not the same as intellectual accomplishment (which your acquaintances may be relying on).

However, we must temper our idealistic values with the realities of life on the human sphere. That is, while we all have the possibility of attaining full Buddhahood, alas not all of us are cut out for that quite yet. In other words, these people with their half a loaf (which is better than none) may have gone as far in their development for now as they are ready to go. And that is fine for them: We travel this path one step at a time one foot in front of the other.

A flower does not open until it is ready to accept the full rays of the sun. But, the bud can be as handsome as the bloom. So I try to approach such people with warmth and generosity. Perhaps our “not good enough” is, for them, a momentous achievement. And, I try to honor their “spirit” with the appreciation of the work they are making (looking at the glass half full, rather than the glass half empty you might say).

You are very blessed, to have a life that is ready to take another step into the realization of the Way.

For me, I try to not lose sight of all the times I’ve been a foolish asshole in the past (and probably will be in the future) – it helps to keep things in perspective :-)

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