Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Crossing the Heart

Thankfully, there are still young people out there who are willing to take up the lance against the militant commercialism of our society; someone who values meaning over the mirage of style.

We may all have a little trouble at times differentiating the light of the Truth from the glare of our dreams. But, I hope that somehow we can see that while many might claim to have in their hearts the ideal of the realization of truth and perfection, not every ones actions will be in concert with these ideals.

Actions speak louder than words. And when we find those whose actions are of disservice, obfuscation, and disregard to these ideals and to the community that strives for these ideals, then we must come to terms with the reality that these are not the ideals such a person actually holds.

And while we need to give such people are hearts and our compassion, we need not give our allegiance and shelter to their self-serving agendas. I think that we just have to go on from there, to try to give life to these hopes using the abilities that we have in our lives, as best we can. And leave behind the self-serving to pursue their games without our participation.

I know that it is difficult to leave behind old comfortable relationships that we have developed. But sometimes the writing on the wall is pretty plain to see. And then you have to face the facts: that some people are not who you hoped they would be. Perhaps, if it is harder for some of us to face this than others, that is understandable.

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