Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Undifferentiated Terrain

I guess our experience is a little bit different from one another. You are saying that your experience of true-self is that it is everything, and everything is it. This is frankly, not my experience. While I would not say that true-self is something separate from everything, I would not say that it is everything either.

In the emptiness of this no-self that you have found, what is there? Is it just awareness? Is it the everything that you mention?

In the midst of this nothing, is all that you find merely the awareness that is undifferentiated in its ceaseless knowing? In the precious moment of all, is there nothing that survives, and if something does what is it? You are a gifted, but is your vision only of the emptiness of concepts and the blackness of conception-less?

The true self that I write about is neither the self that is no-self, nor is it the self that seems to be that which is everything. Nor is it the self that comes with the knowing of pure awareness, nor is it other.

My gift to you then, is merely that which you may be aware of within the emptiness of the moment, the truth is not other, nor the same, nor is it hidden. That is the most I can say. And if this is already “apparent” to you, please then, excuse my presumption into the pristine-ness of your knowing.

When there is that which, known as true-self, is realized, the way floods forth into one’s life. And the emptiness of conception-less is illuminated by the light which appears with the knowledge of the unseeable. That which we know every day and every moment that manifests in this that we call life.


Anonymous said...

I don't entirely understand ... but I thank you, Bodhimind.

Sincerely _/\_

The Doyen said...

You are very welcome.

- The Doyen