Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


The Eighteenth Place

No I don’t believe in what most would call a soul, or an ataman. And yes, I am writing about what I have come to understand through my own personal experience.

I have tried to explain what I have realized the “self” to be in the thread: Non-Self. But to save you from reading that long, boring and tedious article, the relevant material is probably best laid out in these couple of paragraphs from that post:

At the most basic “level” of personality is awareness. Awarenesses that are within the greater all-encompassing “field” of awarenessness and awarenesses. And throughout this massive awareness affinities occur, and at the same time (because all is connected) connections are made to that which is “other” as well. Therefore, elements are brought together in relationships (some being more harmonious than others). As these interrelationships coalesce, an identity emerges. A combination of all these elements, which have a certain “feel” to itself.

This identity rides on the constantly changing elements as they connect and come into relationship with other like elements (through attraction) and with other (less-harmonious) elements (as all is interconnected). And while new “patterns” of this arrangement are created continuously, the wholeness of the harmonies carry on; they have recognized themself. (They are awareness, after all.) This recognition emerges as an identity of this continuously evolving whole.

I would agree with the Buddha that we cannot ever do justice to the highest truth with our meager attempts at philosophical understanding. And that if you really want to understanding the Truth, then you have to experience it directly yourself.

However, as a human being I honor my intellect, my power of reasoning, my gifts for reflection (while I realize also their limitations). Therefore, I do not deny those abilities their due, within the process of living my life. And with the fruits of these most human of functions, I deepen my communications with my fellow human. And perhaps strengthen their resolve to dive into this deepest of truths. And share joy with them in comparing notes about this great reality we are imbued with, that my experience and understanding be furthered as well.

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