Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Channel Two

Perhaps this will help you to reconnoiter the situation

so, you're saying that our agreements are binding, so to speak, that our imagination's ability to project reality is constrained by social contract.

No this is not what I am saying. What we agree on is done from the standpoint of freedom, we are free to do anything, therefore we can choose to commit ourselves to a path with love and joy, knowing that we can always choose another path, another time. We are not bound to our choices; rather we are very interested in learning about the facets of our personality. And in this learning we explore, grow wise, and develop ourselves.

When you say “our agreements…” you are referring to the “you” ensconced within your apparitions of physical reality. But when I said “our”, I was referring to that non-physical personality that is imagining the physical reality, the whole personality that is outside time and space. This personality is not “constrained by social contract”, it is interested in seeing the you on the ground (that you perceive with your physical senses, who seems to be independent because of the identity its ego assumes) develop within the framework set up for itself to work within on the life path chosen this time around.

As an example, you might like to live off of a diet of ice cream and cake. But, the larger you, your body in this case, is not going to agree with this and it will let you know by getting a bit sick if you try to do this. So also, one might like to fly, but your whole self -- your greater personality outside of time and space -- is saying, sorry that is not an option we are dealing with in this lifetime. And splat -----> down you go, still subject to gravity.

There are other more subtle differences between our two approaches to this subject as well. In a sense you are taking the classic western approach: dissect each of the parts, see how each operates, and then you can build your own… . While I am trying to show a more holistic, ecological approach. I am trying to show you that the system, the world that we have is achieved because of a vast amount of cooperation, and complimentary systems, all contributing their part. Each part dependent upon all the other parts, and yet at the same time outside of the system, and in that sense transcendent of the parts.

And, if you really do want to fly that badly, then your greater personality might choose to take on a life in another world where that is one of the conditions. In fact, in another world you could be doing that right now. Perhaps you are a Native American medicine man who can change shape and can fly. Perhaps you are living on another world where human flight is commonplace, like superman.

But involved with this world system, and this reality right now is the one who needs to be grounded. Your “higher” whole self is involved with this grounded world in order to experience its challenges as well as its rewards, for its overall development, wisdom, and love. It is the living homework assignment that it is going through in this schoolyard of life.

And it is because of its profound and deeply abiding interest in living through these life lessons that it has taken on (as a part of its personality’s development as well as all the others involved here in this gyrating universe), that it emanates onto this humble little spinning ball of mud we call earth. Some call it desire, or clinging, or Karma, you see. But in another way it is devotion, love, compassion toward self, and out of respect for all beingness, that it follows merrily down this path of a lifetime on earth.

but what about a child, a baby in a crib? has she signed this contract and read the fine print? if so, how and when? if not, why does she fall when she crawls over the railing? how about the kid with the towel for a superman cape on the roof? hasn't he, by his actions and strategy, implied that he never agreed to the clause in our contract that we can't fly?

The baby in the crib and the boy on the roof are not the self that is outside time and space whose imaginative projections we take to be our physical reality. The question of when this self agrees to the conditions of life is irrelevant; since “time” is not something it is within.

It is this self that is emanating the conditions of gravity, the mutual attraction of bodies -- a force still not understood by our sciences.

The ego of the boy on the roof might not want to agree with the conditions of the world in which it is involved. But it is the self outside of time and space, beyond the ego-child, that is manifesting the world that the boy’s senses perceive. This self is agreeing to manifest the basic “laws of physics”, along with so many others who are involved in our world, so that things all work right. So that the baby’s arm does not go floating off, away from its body, while the worried parents scamper around trying to catch it and tape it back on. (Quick honey, get me the duck tape!)

seems to me, if reality is generated as you suggest, then our world would be more like the matrix, i.e. flexible.

Interesting point, because it was in the movie the Matrix that none of the people, but a very few, knew that life was so flexible, so impermanent. And if you do a bit of looking, you can see inconsistencies cropping up on our world too. Children can see ghosts and angels and fairies. Animals also display this ability as well. Shamans are known to be able to change shape and fly. These are examples of people who have not been conditioned into disbelieving anything that “normal society” doesn’t sanction. Or they have learned to adopt other rules to live by that make sense within the framework of their world.

I know that the situation is rather difficult to understand. But I hope this helps a little.

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