Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Notes Need Music

You are neglecting dependent origination.

The you of you is not something separate that can be dissolved away or lost. Your identity is not something separate that can be dissolved away or lost.

Dependent Origination means that all of you emotions and thoughts and whatever are not separate from you. You cannot lose them and be left without a self, an identity.

Nirvana is not about having no self. It is about realizing the hyper reality that transcends the limited distinction of self, a separate self, not in destroying or absorbing the self into non-distinctiveness.

As a rather lose analogy: It is like playing music in a symphony orchestra. Each person playing their notes together creates the whole. While each note and instrument has its own identity, you cannot separate them out and still have a whole piece of music. The music is in them in their oneness. And yet, each individual note is not lost when you hear that oneness.

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