Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


With Love

There are dogmas believed to be backed up by the canon.

Interesting propositions, upon closer scrutiny not found clearly and unambiguously laid out in the canon, nor ones that necessarily hold water.

Rather than chase around, however, on the particulars of this point. I would rather suggest that this is a mere smokescreen, a façade to balm what really ails.

You obviously seem to be quite upset about something very personally meaningful to you. It just seems rather unlikely that one would exhibit all of the vitriol and dogged determination with which you take up your struggle merely for the public restitution of some twined personal credo doused from odd corners long ago swept aside by the rush and mill of here to fore Buddhists.

No, there is something much deeper at work here that sticks in the craw.

You are not going to live forever you know. Why spend a lifetime chasing down rabbit holes when the real truth is staring you in the face.

The difficulty of facing the restructuring of the known into gnosis far exceeds the pretentiousness of world salvation, but its rewards are that much more cogent.

I would like to see something more forthcoming than this pissing in the wind that you have apparently been doing for lo these many years.

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