Excursus : Within the Realm of Enlightenment


Zero Kab'an

You are beginning to experience the emptiness of your beingness. Because it is a breathless "state", your system is just beginning to adjust to the new situation. It is ok to breath intentionally, awakened beings do so anyway.

When you recalibrate your biological, emotional and mental functions to a "higher state", there can be some adjustments needed. Your system is forging new ground in its working relationship with life.

The old well-worn and comfortable methods (of breathing, for instance) no longer suit the new overall unity of self that you are initiating. Breathing forcefully may just be the temporary method that your system is using to sort of clear the decks and start over again with a new (perhaps less unconscious) way of breathing.

The feeling in the chest could just be some minor part of this overall readjustment, however it could also mean that you are now coming into awareness of greater outstanding issues that have been neglected in the past, or will no longer work in your new awareness.

These may need to be just experienced. And perhaps, if more psychological issues, (thoughts and feelings for instance), come into consciousness around these events, then let them flow, watching dispassionately their revelation. Let them work themselves out and they will learn a new place in the new situation you are initiating.

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